2007년 7월 25일 수요일

Info Pros Essay2

In modern society where most people have easy accesses to the internet, problems related to the internet is kind of inevitable. Although commonly considered to be beneficial, internet also gives us problems including computer virus, worm, and so on. Since many use computers and internet, it has become they has become a big concern and my programs are developed to identify and prevent them. However, such incidents are still continuously happening. In my personal experience, my computer was infected by a spyware, and eventually my ID was hacked.
About five or six years ago, a PC game named ‘Diablo2’ was introduced to the world by one of the biggest world PC game major ‘Blizzard.’ The game was a big hit all around the world and especially in Korea it was not an exaggeration to say “everyone is playing Diablo.” Of course, I was one of them and had pretty high level ID. Few years later, Blizzard produced the expansion set of Diablo and the popularity went the highest at that time. At that time, I was spending many times to play Diablo. As a result, my characters were all with high levels and unique items. I suddenly became one of the most famous guys in the school for that.
With many people playing the game, Diablo showed many problems at that time. Since few rare item which is really hard to see could be traded with real cash, many crimes related to item trade were happened. Moreover, because some hacker made a hacking tool for Diablo, ID hacking occurred in many places. However, I thought it would not happen to me because the usual places where the IDs were hacked were internet cafes. Since I played game at home, I thought I would be safe from the risks.
One day, I tried to log in to the game as I usually did. However, the phrase “your password is wrong. Please try it again” popped up on the monitor. I just thought I mistakenly typed the password wrong. However, I could not log on to the game eventually, since I never got the password right. I could not believe that my ID was hacked by someone. I was depressed instantly and thought, “How could possibly be this happened?” Suddenly, warning message from a vaccine program called V3 was popped up in my head few days ago. I quickly initiated the program and check the existence of malware. There was spyware which might steel my ID. I had no idea how could get it in my computer. I just guessed that it was attached to one of a huge number of files I downloaded. Anyway, I regretted a lot about ignoring a warning past, but I could not change anything. ID was already stolen!
Every time I think of the day I lost my ID, I get so depressed because I really played hard. However, the experience did not leave me a sad memory only. It actually gave me a good habit, too. After the incident, I was checking my computer regularly if there are any viruses in my PC. Since then, I had fortunately no problem with the malwares.